Wood From Drawing Project

Foundation 165 Interdisciplinary Core
Instructor Henry Tsang

Choose an object from one of your Observational Drawings and create a wood sculpture based on it. This could be a building, a tree, a bush, a couch, an electrical pole with power lines, a flower, a cloud. It can be as accurate, abstract or distorted interpretation as you wish. 

You can use any kind of wood, of any size, but it must be:
- comprised of multiple wood pieces of which at least 2 are joined in some way
(i.e., fastened together with glue, nails, screws).
- freestanding (i.e., able to stand up by itself, not hung on a wall)

 You can also add other materials and colour but the structural component, i.e., what holds it up, must be wood.

Low Birch Seat
Alex Wang

Little Secrets
Ava Jane Stanley

Just One Drink
Cyrena Halbig

This Train Terminates at the End of the Wold
Ilsa Sampedro Gil

Stream of Pearls
Paula Valentin Rodriguez

Ting Wang


Paper Shoes


Portmanteau Casting Project