Congratulations, Foundation Class of 2020!
Every day should be unprecedented, especially for students of art and design, who learn to unlearn patterns, question idioms, and remake rules in Foundation to clear the ground for imagination.
Every day is unprecedented, especially this 2019 – 2020 academic year at Emily Carr, when we leapt and wept, waded through puddles, rose from ashes, and moved to the rhythm of a virus that made our community urgent and new.
Unprecedented times shape us, yes, but it is the heart, humour, and hard work of Foundation students, staff, and faculty that made this year ICONIC. No wonder the Foundation Show 2020 poster, designed by Foundation student Gabriel Saenz and democratically crowned as the winner, conjures the surreal edge and expressive energy of Ed Ruscha’s fieriest paintings, with bold, glorious shades that echo our Foundation experience.
Together, across unceded and uncharted territories and time zones, let’s acknowledge and celebrate the people and achievements of Foundation 2020!
Virtually incandescent with admiration,
Your impressed and grateful Dean,
Dr. Cissie Fu
24 April 2020